The Sentinels the breeze it wrapped around me, as I stood there on the shore
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a charming and charmed child indeed was deirdre -- her melancholy at the weight of the new knowledge swiftly faded in her father's presence, and she began to sweep at the floor of the den with her minuscule paw. the light lifted the emerald of his gaze to the fore -- taltos was stunned by the largesse of her artistry, though it was nigh unto undecipherable. he was merely surprised by the preciosity of his bantling, that she should draw so soon what was around her.

the druid was too far removed from the world of babes and the spirits around them to realize the meaning of the lines, but the crude sun he did see, and gestured with his muzzle to the sky outside their natal shelter. "sun," came his misguided explanation -- perhaps she had seen a ray or perhaps the glow of the orb itself briefly though the thick clouds of winter.

his own eyes traveled to emaleth; lasher settled himself down upon the floor of the den and brought deirdre into his embrace, mimicking with a smile the small and exultant noise that unfurled from her lips.
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