The Sentinels the breeze it wrapped around me, as I stood there on the shore
slowly drifting, wave after wave
826 Posts
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deirdre watched him, and though she could not understand him the babe thought that he understood her. he sounded pleased, and happy, and deirdre could not help then but express it with a bursting run around a foreleg. her heart soared at the thought that he might understand the vision she brought him, that she had pressed against the earth, and all she could do was believe that yes, he did know! deirdre, the prodigious witch, would show herself to be exemplary in her crafts. but her art now was far from brilliant; her cognitive connection was disjointed in how she displayed the things she saw, and what was more was that she found her drawing to represent a perfect likeness to those that she outlined most crudely. her paw never left the earth, making most everything a swirling blob.

as he settled, and drew her nearer to him, deirdre smiled ebulliently. deirdre loved nearness to others, particularly her sister, but she so adored The Giver and the Source that she could not help but press herself as near to them as possible when she was reminded just how much she loved them. now seemed to be that moment; deirdre moved to headbutt into his chest affectionately, no aggressiveness to the gesture at all; she simply sought to become one with him, to force her way into him. deirdre felt she had done just that, and that in doing this he could feel the strength of her love; she was only given pause when she heard his mimicking of her, only in his voice, but it translated, and deirdre's head whipped upward. you... understand?????? came the jargon that emaleth truly could interpret. but in his response, identical to hers, deirdre looked up at him in shock and happiness, and could not help but yell in her childish lilt-and-language, us! us! us!

she reared onto her hinds and her tiny paws fell toward his nose, which would act as the little witches support if they landed there. deirdre sought to look into his eyes with her own awestruck ones, as though they might tell her more.
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