The Sentinels the breeze it wrapped around me, as I stood there on the shore
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony

in her prime, deirdre had been a flower quivering in the winds of carlotta's hateful passions. there had been no love for her in the old house, in the corridors she traveled; nor in her chambers had she found respite, for even her mind had been haunted by the ghost who served her family. she died as she had lived, briefly, her fragile flame snuffed out by the breath of some ignoble god. but this deirdre would not be so, for already there lived a power within his child that rivaled even stella's, even that possessed by mary beth. 

but not the dark magick that had been spun into a curse by marguerite. no, his witches would never touch the darkness that had fueled that wretched creature, not while he had breath in his body. taltos would not allow it! suddenly frightened, he gathered deirdre closer, their interlude forgotten for the moment. he would not have it.

presently he looked back at her little drawing and smiled, shaking himself from the fear that had gripped him.
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