The Sentinels the breeze it wrapped around me, as I stood there on the shore
slowly drifting, wave after wave
826 Posts
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deirdre continued to look upon him, waiting for him to again speak with her in her language. but he was mute, and so her head only tilted. the feel of him was different, and it caused deirdre to fall into a noiseless state, her being restrained by the chains of her nervousness. it was the intuitive feel all children had that alerted them to something serious, like the doe warning her fawn of a true and present danger. deirdre was that fawn, and waited for the danger to pass. it mattered not what it was, only that it was there and that The Giver knew; this one knew more of the world they were in than she did, and so she trusted him implicitly.

but whatever concerned him passed once he drew her closer to him, and deirdre did not resist. she forgot the danger, too, and did not wonder about it once it was gone. in that moment, she suddenly felt overcome with tiredness, and she could not suppress the yawn that came from her.
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