Sleeping Dragon i suggest next time try feeding me to dragons
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
There's something endearing to Wildfire as she talks about her past and what she had been doing. Thuringwethil, for a long time, didn't realize it isn't custom to raise their children quickly into useful adults. That there are some teachings that could wait and that children could be playful. It had been some time after she'd become heda, interacting with the children and seeing them play with one another. There's often a shadow of feeling she'd missed out, knowing she should feel something, but never quite able to reach it.

Thuringwethil smiles a ghost of an expression, thankful for the shift she brings the talk to the present. She leans into the nip but Wildfire has pulled back already and so she steadies herself. She realizes she doesn't fully comprehend the words—personal relations have always been the thing she lacked growing up. She'd been taken away from her parents at an age young enough not to remember them and then put on one track forward. What friends she had made had often been disguised as something else growing up, something she can prove to be useful to her to hide her relationship

Wildfire's logic doesn't quite pass over to her but Thuringwethil nods—she seems to know more about this than she does, having been sheltered from most relationships. Admitting that feels a little embarrassing so for the time being, she lets the girl guide her into the unknown. She reaches forward and noses her nuzzle after a gentle bump and eventually settled back into a resting position on the floor.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
Messages In This Thread
RE: i suggest next time try feeding me to dragons - by Antumbra - July 12, 2016, 07:42 AM