Sleeping Dragon you are made of galaxies with stardust stuck to your ribs
454 Posts
Ooc — romanova
pls excuse my lateness to this party~
Gyda left them and Eske watched her go with idle remorse ā€” there was no longer a fear that her mother would not return. Eske knew that Gyda would return, eventually. A lofty sigh left the Grounder Princess's lips as she dolefully awaited the sitter that would take Gyda's place and though would engage them refuse her what she wanted. They all did. She'd been able to see, hear, and walk for what seemed like ever in Eske's confused interpretation of time and she was ready to go outside. To venture out of this cage they had put her in and see her lands. Okay, well, maybe not her lands but it made no difference to the child. Everything, according to Eske, was hers. Noises of beckoning came from outside the den and for a moment as Freyja charged towards the light ā€” ugh, how dare she make the ascension before Eske! ā€” a scowl twisted Eske's features for a second.

Not to be outdone by her elder sister the extremely competitive Spear of the Gods charged like a bull for the mouth of the den, small, excited pants leaving her lips as she burst into the sunlight. It was bright at first and she didn't even pay the customary attention to Freyja or Thuringwethil as she glimpsed around her in awe as her eyes adjusted to the sudden onslaught of light. Her eyes rapidly moved wanting to take it all in as soon as possible. She moved forward eagerly, an excited noise leaving her lips ā€” a peal of childish laughter before she let out a shriek (eske right now), her tail wagging so hard that her butt wiggled. This was awesome!
roangeda Ā· green-lit

ā€” your hands are wet with the blood
of an empire. you lick it off.
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