The Sentinels [MANDATORY] down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts
guardian of the galaxy
1,292 Posts
Ooc — Magdalyn
Master Guardian
Heck yeah!! Adventure!! was all that ran through little Terance's head as they walked. But, as it usually went, the more they walked, the sleepier he got. The boy lagged behind his mother until they arrived in a place with more wolves than he'd seen in... well... in ever! his eyes were wide with excitement for a handful of seconds before the small boy began to lean against his mothers leg with tiredness and-- soon after-- slip down to her heels fast asleep.

sarah and terance don't need to respond anymore if it isn't necessary! but aria will be adressing Osprey about them. (:
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RE: [MANDATORY] down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts - by Terance - July 24, 2016, 10:00 PM