Kildeer Rest you're the ocean and she's desperate to drown
gubraithian fire
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Hearing the words whispered back to her warmed the cockles of Wildfire's heart. She bumped her head against the Heda's again, then pressed it down beneath her throat, like a contented kitten might. She curled up more tightly to Thuringwethil, so that more of their bodies touched, and let out a happy little sigh. She had definitely been through some rough stuff to get here but it had all happened for a reason, hadn't it? This was the reason. She was the reason.

Wildfire let the companionable silence stretch on for a while, her own amber gaze shifting between the commander's face and their scenic surroundings. After a while, her lips parted on a question. "Have you thought about having a family?" she wondered. Sometimes she was self-conscious about asking questions like this, putting Thuringwethil on the spot, knowing her background. But with the declaration of mutual love still warming her ears, she felt more confident in the future they were moving toward together.
Messages In This Thread
RE: you're the ocean and she's desperate to drown - by Wildfire - September 05, 2016, 07:26 PM