All I Ask of You...
I want my wife and children back. Do not get in the way of this goal and I will not have to kill you for it.
276 Posts
Ooc — Isabelle
Hiiiii! <3 Are we making this our second mating thread?

It was hot today, just like it was hot most of the days for the past few weeks. Majesty wished it would rain again. Normally, it was a warm rain, but at least it would be cooler than having no rain at all. He panted as he lay in the forest beside his den. He didn't often leave that area, ever since he and Arkham had begun sharing the space. He needed to keep an eye on the wolf-dog, which is what she had told him she was. She had become a member of their pack more out of necessity to survive than anything else, although the alpha didn't mind. He was not one to discriminate, especially when she was so weak and sick. He would take care of her, nurse her back to health, and if she wanted to leave after that, it was fine with him. It was okay if she wanted to stay, too. He was always welcome to the idea of adding numbers to their ranks.

It was while he was thinking about all of this that Erika's call rang out from the distant shores of the mainland. She sounded upset and desperate, and he sprang to his paws with lightning speed and charged through the pine trees out into the open. Soon enough he was galloping along the hot sand and splashing into the water without a moment's notice. It was midday so the water reached only his ankles when he made it to the sandbar. In another few minutes, he was leaping back into the water to swim the rest of the way to shore, and then skidding to a halt in front of his beloved.

She was crying. She looked anguished. Hurt, confused. His heart ached for her. "E... Erika..." he panted, trying to catch his breath. He had never run so hard in his life. "Wha... what's wrong? Did they hurt you? Jinx's wolves? Did they find out about us?" He paused. "Are you pregnant?" The words tumbled from his mouth. The normally-calm earthen wolf was a bundle of energy now. He didn't know what to do with himself as he impatiently waited for her response. Quickly, he leaned forward and kissed her face, swiping his tongue along her nose and her cheek and her chin in an effort to calm her tears. He whined in his throat, wondering what could have possibly gone wrong that she would be in such a state before him.
Messages In This Thread
All I Ask of You... - by Erika - June 21, 2014, 01:47 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Majesty - June 21, 2014, 02:48 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Erika - June 21, 2014, 03:22 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Majesty - June 21, 2014, 03:38 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Erika - June 21, 2014, 03:50 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Majesty - June 21, 2014, 04:16 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Erika - June 21, 2014, 07:57 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Majesty - June 21, 2014, 08:16 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Erika - June 21, 2014, 09:15 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Majesty - June 21, 2014, 09:26 PM
RE: All I Ask of You... - by Erika - June 21, 2014, 10:05 PM