Totoka River Don't drink the from the water place, its salty.
256 Posts
Ooc — summer
either pack's members as well as wild faunas and lone wolves can join. anyone who can roleplay.
Autumn sat by the edge of the river where it connected to the ocean. Earlier she drank the water from the river farther up the shore. That was before it tasted like pure salt. When she first saw the ocean she thought it was a huge source of fresh delicious water. She learned it was salty the hard way after taking a few huge gulps. Autumn Juniper now chuckled at the memory. She glanced all along the shore.
A little bird had recently told her the pack gossip. A rumor that many of the packs were moving their territories or planning to. Ugh. Hopefully the wolves wouldn't get in her way. She had just begun to figure out where they all currently stayed. The whole Teekon Wilds was too abundant in wolves in her opinion. Some are nice, yes. Others- pessimists with no smarts and all strength. Wolves who cared only for 'win, WIN, WIN!!!' and bloodshed. Others that she'd met were the kind ones- Osprey Jr. and Ypres. Rumor of the birds was that many alphas were cruel for a while. But now the Wilds are mostly full of kind wolves who dream of peace and love and loyalty. Good. Autumn hoped to make peace with at least one wolf from each pack. Then she would always have at least one wolf supporter. Wolves tended to believe other wolves more than foxes. Autumn Juniper wouldn't blame em. Autumn had learned the way to deceive most animals without a trace, as well as tell through body language if they lied. She rarely used her deceiving skills though, as there was no need. Hospitality was better than lies.
I will exit threads immediately if your character does not understand Autumn's dialogue as it causes inconsistencies in my roleplay experience.
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Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - by Autumn - July 01, 2014, 10:42 PM