Boartusk Heights Some might say "euphoric", no, there's really no words for it
a determination so powerful it could turn the sky storm black
683 Posts
Ooc — Athena

Given her brother's sharp demeanor, she wasn't really surprised that everyone thought he was out for blood... but really, once you got to know him, he wasn't too bad.  Or at least she thought so, anyway.  But what he told her was surprising and at least a little bit concerning.  Dude.  So they just came up behind you and... she gave a vague, open gesture that signified she knew what he meant but she was so utterly bewildered by it she couldn't quite place any words.  

That's lame.  She snorted, rolled her eyes.  But is that all?  She kind of hoped it was the only trouble he'd run into.  I haven't really had much trouble, but I have met a lot of interesting folks.  Glad I left home.

Tuathal would not approve of a single one of those interesting folks, so she left that as it was.... even if she really did kind of want to share it with him.

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RE: Some might say "euphoric", no, there's really no words for it - by Fire - June 03, 2018, 11:40 PM