Boartusk Heights Some might say "euphoric", no, there's really no words for it
a determination so powerful it could turn the sky storm black
683 Posts
Ooc — Athena

She was toeing a fine line between desperation and relief.  At least he would stay close, even if he didn't stay right with her, and that was... enough.  Even if she wanted him to stay with her, it was enough.  She breathed out, caught herself.  Would you really?  She knew he had left to get away from the family, and he seemed perfectly fine at the prospect of meeting them.  Maybe because these guys wouldn't call him Tadpole.

Yeah.  That would be nice.  I mean.. I didn't want you to leave.  I understood it... but I didn't want you to go.  And she followed soon after, but had stayed with a band of misfits instead because the all-boy pack had intrigued her.  She still didn't know why they'd let her in.

But that was a thought for another time.  So you don't have to stay with me, you don't have to be glued to my hip.  But.. yeah.  I missed you.   Whatever resentment she'd felt for him not saying goodbye was gone.

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RE: Some might say "euphoric", no, there's really no words for it - by Fire - June 07, 2018, 09:09 PM