Wheeling Gull Isle your own world
199 Posts
Ooc — Belle
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The wind was cold on her return, the return she'd sought far sooner than expected - it seemed her place was here, and here alone... though Faeryn did not regret her departure. It had served its purpose: clear her thoughts, show her what lay beyond and if she wanted it, and now she had come to realisation that the mainland was not her home.

Despite this, the Renoda felt twinges of guilt pierce her spine like acapuncture needles as she crossed the land bridge and emerged on the shores of Undersea - perhaps her time of leave had not been done at the most sensible of times, when winter wrapped cold fingers around the teekon in a bitter embrace. She would have time to apologize for her absence in later times, but first, she let a salmon tongue swipe across her lips before her muzzle tipped to the sky and from them came a call for @Stockholm, desiring to greet him with warmth and hope that his words had been true: she would always be allowed a place among the sea wolves.

Oh, how she'd missed her home, her family. She would do her best to make amends for anything that had occured while she was gone, and the blue nymph hoped she could make it up to those she loved.
I see quiet nights,
poured over ice
Messages In This Thread
your own world - by Faeryn - December 27, 2018, 11:21 AM
RE: your own world - by Coelacanth - January 03, 2019, 02:59 PM
RE: your own world - by Faeryn - February 16, 2019, 04:41 PM