Totoka River of course they were saints, but only by a hair
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I just have to tell you that I love Lasher I really do he's the sweetest thing I've ever seen :D

Blue willow did not question if any one grieved, any who had met the little raven child with white limning the lining of her inner fore legs could not love her. It was not possible to not love her. However, she did not some would have harder grief than most, and she would not have deigned to take that from Lasher. When he could very well have his own grief and also feel more so for how Peregrine felt, so it was with this thought that she followed her new friend.

Blue had also sniffed at the driftwood but or a different reason. Wondering briefly if a child had lay there, not knowing where else to hide. But alas there was no scent of Junior there, and her heart gave another pang at the loss of hte child. She should have been watching more closely she had known that Perry could not get far with his leg and he could watch only so far before he had to move. She should have made shifts of babysitters anything really.

She followed behind Lasher looking the covering of trees wondering. Lost in her own thoughts not knowing that the child they so vainly looked for and as hopelessness ate her up was warm and dry mere meters away.

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RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - by Blue Willow - July 26, 2014, 01:45 PM