Sun Mote Copse Thinkin' bout why we're here, and where we're goin
gubraithian fire
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"I would," Wildfire reaffirmed, not sure how to respond to his other comment. It was a metric she could use to evaluate his rank, plus it was simply the most straightforward way to ensure he was pulling his weight. She almost shrugged, then caught herself. "I'm sure you do," she added with a smile. Maybe Colt wasn't a big fan of labels, yet she didn't for an instant doubt that he would carve out a niche, especially with fatherhood at stake. It was a win/win situation for himself, his mate, the pups they might bear and the Firebirds as a whole.

He announced that he would speak to Niamh, which was the natural next step in the process. "Okay. She seems great." Wildfire tacked on the compliment because it was true but also because she was curious about their status. "So are the two of you together? Mates?" Perhaps it was unfair of her, pregnant out of wedlock, to let this weigh into her decision. But the more stable the pair, the more likely they would make good parents.
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RE: Thinkin' bout why we're here, and where we're goin - by Wildfire - February 13, 2019, 10:36 AM