Totoka River of course they were saints, but only by a hair
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue felt the welcoming rain soothe like a balm to her already frayed nerves and broken heart. Her father had always told her she was a storm child, drinking up the rain like it was the god's nectar. She found rain refreshing and after it poured and all was new in it's wake. It purged and it cleansed and she loved that about rain. Sometimes it was disastrous, but as far as she was concerned there was gain from tragedy and it was that simple. It was often painful to find it, but it brought others closer, it helped others to see the care that most hid from view.

She stood letting it sluice down her sides as she looked up and she knew that the heavens were crying for a little lost child who was roaming without those that loved her and it hurt, oh the gods did it hurt. With one last sniffle and the hope that Lasher would not mind her wet fur. She slid into the makeshift covering and lay near him, if the rain water did not bother him she'd take comfort by just being near to someone who was a warm body like her's and make a new friend in the progress.
Messages In This Thread
RE: of course they were saints, but only by a hair - by Blue Willow - July 28, 2014, 03:02 PM