Deepwood Weald King of the Rock - Pt. II
287 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Following the orders given to him, Midar went searching for Alarian, picking up his scent eventually and tracking him to the borders not far from where he had left the Melonii leaders and the dead intruder. The three scrapes across his shoulder were starting to sting a bit with each step now that his adrenaline was starting to fade, but he had pushed through way worse before, so he barely even registered the discomfort. The wound wasn't too deep and had mostly stopped bleeding; he felt it would heal fine. He was only seeking out his lover to tend to the wounds of his leaders as ordered.

Much to Alarian's displeasure, he lead him back to the group before letting him tend to his own wound, his explanation of the the attack only making it more difficult the assure the scarred male that he was fine. The beast could wait until after his leaders were taken care of, which was exactly what he had told his lover when he tried to insist that Midar let him look at his wound first. 

He took a seat in front of the pair when once they returned, glancing to Alarian reassuringly before turning back to Damien and Nyx
Shaking hands with the dark parts of my thoughts
Messages In This Thread
King of the Rock - Pt. II - by Damien - February 27, 2019, 10:21 AM
RE: King of the Rock - Pt. II - by Nocturnal - March 03, 2019, 03:16 PM
RE: King of the Rock - Pt. II - by Midar - March 09, 2019, 12:01 PM