Character Creation
192 Posts
Ooc — Chishio

So for character creation, I noticed that we could make Wild Fauna accounts. What does this entail, and what are the rules for making characters? I know the new size one that had just come out yesterday, but I couldn't find anything else on character creation. (Essentially going through other people's character profiles to figure things out.) I know there's supposed to be an area in the guidebook that states what is aloud, and what isn't, but where is that thread? I've read or skimmed through all of the guidebook information, and I didn't see anything of the sort in there. Though I could be wrong because i'm a dummy sometimes. I've looked multiple times, so unless i'm an idiot, then i'm missing something. 

Also, what are the rules on wolfdog hybrids? I saw someone talking about it in here before, so I was curious. And for the Wild Fauna characters, what creatures can we make using those kinds of accounts?

Thanks for the help!
Messages In This Thread
Character Creation - by Skoll Almir - January 22, 2020, 09:45 AM
RE: Character Creation - by Bhediya - January 22, 2020, 09:51 AM