Blacktail Deer Plateau sweet tea

Robin had been sort of sticking to herself, working on her den and patrolling the borders only seeing Fox in passing. They hadn't yet gotten a chance to catch up with one another, and Robin let her baby sister be if only because she knew that her fire kissed sibling was busy and that her duties of leadership came before much else. Her talk with Peregrine hadn't had much details about how they had met, or other juicy details but of course Robin would have rather heard such things from Fox, anyway. She did not think Peregrine was into the whole 'woman gossip' thing. He didn't strike her as that type. She had just finished up a patrol when Fox's voice rang out for her in a summoning call. Ears cupped forth atop her skull as she took a moment to determine where her sister's voice had originated from within the Plateau and once she had her direction began took to her heading.

It did not take Robin long to reach the area in which Fox had called from. Golden eyes found her sister sprawled atop a rock. Robin smirked to herself for a few moments as she approached the rock. Hello baby sister, Robin greeted her teasingly, reclining back against her haunches so she was in a more comfortable position for looking up at her baby sister.

Messages In This Thread
sweet tea - by RIP Fox - August 25, 2014, 11:58 AM
RE: sweet tea - by Robin - August 28, 2014, 11:39 AM
RE: sweet tea - by RIP Fox - August 28, 2014, 11:46 AM
RE: sweet tea - by Robin - September 04, 2014, 08:49 AM
RE: sweet tea - by RIP Fox - September 04, 2014, 05:31 PM