Blacktail Deer Plateau Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
To be completely honest Blue was having a hard time keeping track of days, only because every day was the same thing for her. It was oddly disconcerting for the femme at the moment to realize that a day or two had passed by and she had not told Peregrine. Nor had she been told of Junior's departure. Perhaps it was the best that she was no longer Alpha if she was going to go through the days like this, land sakes she was ashamed of herself and embarrassed.

Blue looked at him sadly She thinks you won't love her anymore Peregrine. How do you tell your Hero that when you are only 5 months old? Of course she's not as grown up as she thinks she is she is a child. A very jealous, put out, feeling powerless child. She is in transitions of turning into an adolescent of course her mind is going to be clouded and awkward and she is going to handle things very badly, it is how we learn and become who we are, by our mistakes. At the last part Blue snorted in laughter, Well there is certainly that my friend.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - by Blue Willow - August 29, 2014, 02:27 PM