Blacktail Deer Plateau Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why
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Ooc — Kat
Peregrine nodded. "A quintessentially childish belief. Of course I'll still love her. I told her that when she was telling me she was leaving, which was the first time I learned of any of this. I'm her father and I've always been there for her, so I'm struggling to understand why she didn't just come to me about her fears." Her slowly ran his tongue over his lips. "She screamed at Fox about it too. It's not that I don't understand, either. I would've been happy to do whatever it took to soothe her fears... but instead, she decided she didn't need me at all."

The Alpha male lapsed into silence and looked absently at Atticus, who looked just as absently back. Peregrine shrugged. "I was prepared for the eventuality of the kids leaving, especially Junior... I was just thinking it would've been closer to a year old. She's still so young. And I think she's made a mistake, though... I guess I hope I'm wrong."
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RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - by Peregrine Redhawk - August 29, 2014, 02:50 PM