Blacktail Deer Plateau Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue listened to Peregrine and she was a little disappointed that he couldn't understand why the girl didn't come to him. He was her hero, you didn't approach your hero and tell them you were upset you just expected them to fix it. That was what he needed to realize and he didn't so she decided she'd have to tell him that. You are her hero Perry. She is going to expect you to just be able to fix it without her having to tell her. And Perry you did say that your word is law, she may have taken that literally being only a child and not understanding after all. She grew quiet and introspective and then spoke again And that is not to lay the blame on you I am merely trying to point out the reasons perhaps behind her issues.

Blue sighed I hope you are wrong too Perry.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - by Blue Willow - August 30, 2014, 04:45 PM