Neverwinter Forest endless
It was...strange, the new press of bodies and scents that filled the territory that he had now called home. Though the reasons for doing so were noble, and something that he would have done himself, had he been in charge. No, he accepted the pack, this...Yuèlóng (was he saying it right?), but he always had to remind himself of the identity of the strange new scents that he came across as he traipsed through the woods, sodden.

He had to get out of the rain soon. Some rain, especially in the heat of summer, was good, but a lot, as they were facing now, was annoying at best. Yao trotted through the forest, wracking his brain for spots that he could hide from the rain in. Then, he saw it, a cave, more overhang, really. It was already occupied, and though Yao didn't recognize the wolf crouched there, he figured it was one of their guests. Mambo! Hello! he grinned at the wolf hidden under the rocky overhang. May I come in? he inched into the cave, hoping that the other wouldn't mind sharing their space.
Current Location  — Neverwinter Forest
Fighting/Sparring Methods
Messages In This Thread
endless - by Aiolos - August 02, 2020, 06:35 PM
RE: endless - by Haoniyao - August 06, 2020, 07:36 AM
RE: endless - by Aiolos - August 09, 2020, 04:25 PM
RE: endless - by Haoniyao - August 09, 2020, 06:20 PM
RE: endless - by Aiolos - August 14, 2020, 10:58 AM