Blacktail Deer Plateau Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why
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Ooc — Kat
"Is there a difference?" Peregrine asked ruefully. "I have no choice but to place my faith in Junior's choice. She's still a child, though she's mature for her age. I don't think she'd be weak-minded enough to fall for some... cult."

When asked about pack hunts, Peregrine gently reminded her, "We'll be hunting as a pack on at least a weekly basis. I'm hoping to take a few folks with me to check out the herds at Sheepeater Cliff in a few days. As for Fox," he continued, "she won't be getting pregnant anytime soon. She's still not even two and I still have pups to raise, even if they think otherwise. I don't anticipate having another litter until next year at the earliest. We have plenty of time to prepare."

Talk of pups reminded the Alpha of his recent conversation with his male partner. "Lasher told me about the offer he made you," Peregrine shared softly, then said nothing more, giving Blue Willow a chance to react.
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RE: Pay attention to whom you speak of whom you speak and why - by Peregrine Redhawk - August 31, 2014, 08:54 PM