Tormented Tarns Innocence gone but it's not forgot
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She had gone away without a word. With her had gone @Yrsa and yet, on this return, it would have been two months since the mother had seen her own daughter. Somewhere between those two points was a loss, a mourning, and a story.

One which Sanja held close to her heart, without anyone to tell. By now she knew she was cursed. The tarn sprawled around her, frigid tangles of withered once-green vine and sedge; and she slogged through it as if arisen from the depths.

Ruined, all of it. Ruined and empty, now.
Messages In This Thread
Innocence gone but it's not forgot - by Sanja - January 26, 2023, 03:58 AM
RE: Innocence gone but it's not forgot - by Andr - February 15, 2023, 09:19 PM