Lost Creek Hollow and as I set to face it, I'm unsure should I embrace it, should I run?
85 Posts
Ooc — box
Doedapple could see Crowfeather over Aquillius’s thin shoulder, the confusion on her face morphing into concern for the star. But she didn’t call attention to it, instead offering him a meaningful look before her gaze went back to the stiff backed boy.

So young to act as a soldier.

Well, thank you dear. Her voice was slipping into motherly as she spoke, pulling the rabbit closer to her.

But you didn’t have to do that. You should be resting, not gallivanting after rabbits. A gentle chide, compared to the ones she had given previous.

Doedapple speaks both French and English, though she prefers English
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RE: and as I set to face it, I'm unsure should I embrace it, should I run? - by Doedapple - June 22, 2023, 09:12 PM