Redhawk Caldera You can hate me if you want to, but it won't break me
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
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Ooc — Danni
[size=small]Ebony you can join in if you like :)[/size]

It was with mixed emotions Blue willow had set out the day before for the Caldera. She was not sure how this meeting would go and she actually had wanted to bring @Lasher along, but felt it would be too painful for him. She had offered him the chance none the less, told him if he wished when she was leaving he could meet up with her. She felt in a way she was betraying Atticus, but for once she was being true to herself, and it was a strange feeling. It really was, and it was one she was not used too. She had always promised herself that she would only have children with someone she loved, but time was not on her side. She was three years old, soon to be four and she had no mate, no children and she honestly did not know if she could love as much as she had loved Atticus, so the point was almost moot. So she had made a difficult decision, but one she did not regret. This way she could have the children she always wanted, and Lasher could have children too, something to shower his affections upon, for the man was full of love to the brim and he deserved to be able to share it.

It was with trepidation now that she neared the Caldera and she sat down at the edge of the border. It had been a week or two since she had been here, she honestly could not remember. The days were a blur and blended together. She had looked for Atticus until she couldn't anymore, and his trail had run cold straight down onto the sharp bluffs, there had been no broken body at the bottom, but there had also been no backwards paw tracks, so he had not returned the way he had come. She sat there swishing her tail back and forth, she would call for @Peregrine soon enough, for now she just simply wished to sit for a moment and gather her thoughts, because this was going to be a hard conversation, but not as hard as telling him she had failed as a healer, she hoped at least.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.
Messages In This Thread
You can hate me if you want to, but it won't break me - by Blue Willow - October 28, 2014, 03:33 PM