Redhawk Caldera You can hate me if you want to, but it won't break me
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[size=x-small]My thoughts are in no way that way about Fox, lol but I figured a little juiciness should be added. I can't remember if Blue was told bout Haunter or not? so if I need to change that I will.[/size]

Has she been privy to the thoughts that ran rampant upon Fox's tiny head, blue would have been quick to stand up for herself and her choices. She also would have pointed out that Fox had no right none at all to say a word to her about her choices and the father of her children. Simply put Fox herself had certainly moved her tiny little self into the plateau and Peregrines den and between his legs, days after she had lost her home and abandoned her packmates as Ferdie had said if it were to be true. So no she had no right to say a word to Blue and it was a good thing she did not. As it were though Blue did not know what the other was thinking so she had no need to defend herself, though she would have done so. And had she been told such things, she imagined it would be the end of a friendship that had bloomed since she had moved to this area. Because frankly she would not have any time for anyone who put her down, when she had done nothing to them, nor their mate especially when he would stand by his mate above her no matter what she did.

Blue looked at Peregrine and gave him a small smile. Because I was expecting you to, Perry. Not only was I your brother's intended, who Gods I wish I still was, but Lasher was yours. She grew quiet then and looked down unsure what else to say or what to think. It was not an ideal situation, and it was one that she never would have thought she'd be in, but Lasher would make a good father, and he was very close to her, almost like another best friend next too Peregrine.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.
Messages In This Thread
RE: You can hate me if you want to, but it won't break me - by Blue Willow - November 02, 2014, 08:47 PM