Boartusk Heights In all things considered, it’s a choice
La Muerte

146 Posts
Ooc — bon
at the question, reyna stares at her belly.

ah, well. they shall not be a problem, but.. reyna's eyes sharpen as she recalls memories of life in the dark caverns, right besides her parents as they made expecting rivals swear their children would never interfere with reyna's health. she recalls too the look upon their faces when during the dead of winter, the family was decided to have been using too much of the kingdom's resources, and were told that they and some of their children must leave. and the children that remained never were the same again.

but her parents could afford cruelty. she couldn't, no matter how she wished otherwise.
..i expect they'll pull their weight once they've grown. i am expecting too however, so it is my duty, my darling, to clarify to you. my children will be prioritized.
reyna began a vague sembleance of the oath she had only watched until now.
this is not to say your children will not receive the upmost of care. and we are in spring, the most forgiving of seasons. it is not just you and i, afterall, who experience the wonders of fertility.

but we are still so small. and fall and winter come hurdling. your children may be made to serve, or hunt, sooner. my children may join them. only time will tell.
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RE: In all things considered, it’s a choice - by Reyna - May 15, 2024, 08:16 PM