Moonspear One Must Hide when the sun gets higher
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She listened closely. Fixed on Alaric and the words that rolled off his tongue. Taking in the brief descriptions of how each pregnancy might be for a woman. Some were sadly, unfit enough to even conceive. Or worse still, never make it to see herself to motherhood. And sometimes the children did not survive. Elentari knew this, as it was a fact. There was always that chance that the unborn puppies would not be fit enough to make it in the outside world.

She hoped such would never happen to her and Alaric's children. Or to any future one's Sialuk would come to bear. "That's the scary part. Not knowing." She canted her head thoughtfully. "First pregnancies' are the hardest, hm? Mine with Acrux seemed relatively smooth. Perhaps because he was an only child?" Less strain on her body. It was too soon to tell how many children she might carry this time.

"In any case Alaric, it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing you are skilled in your craft." She smiled for him. The Archer felt she couldn't be in more capable paws, the children to be with a medic for their sire.
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One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Alaric - March 29, 2024, 09:42 PM
RE: One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Alaric - March 29, 2024, 10:02 PM
RE: One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Elentari - May 30, 2024, 06:18 PM
RE: One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Alaric - June 01, 2024, 11:00 AM