Moonspear One Must Hide when the sun gets higher
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Elentari did not know what the future held for her, with this pregnancy. What she was certain of, that she would have Alaric, Sialuk and the whole of Moonspear close by her side through it all. And even the other Moon villages as well, who she should make a point to integrate with more, once she was fit to travel again.

"Well, in a few short weeks I will start showing symptoms. Like last time." She recounted. "I think I will just take it one day at a time, for what it is." She was excited. Leaning up into the kiss he bestowed to her, she nuzzled his cheek. So thankful that even perhaps not as a dedicated mate, that Alaric was a profound part of her life. And in the time to come, more than ever. She hoped because of this, their bond would grow deeper.

Her heat had yet to be fully settled. For now, that flame was a distant flicker as a sense of tiredness from their lovemaking washed over her. Come the next day, she would depart to continue her hormonal journey. She would return, back to Moonspear and Alaric, where she belonged. Curled and wrapped up in the comfort of furs, her eyes slid shut as she let sleep overtake her, wrapped in his arms.
Messages In This Thread
One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Alaric - March 29, 2024, 09:42 PM
RE: One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Alaric - March 29, 2024, 10:02 PM
RE: One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Alaric - June 01, 2024, 11:00 AM
RE: One Must Hide when the sun gets higher - by Elentari - June 01, 2024, 03:33 PM