Dawnlark Plains a little wrinkle in time, make you pull the iron out
141 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chani's ears cupped forward. "sogbo came to me in a dream when i slept at de sea. other lwa came to t'ose who were initiated wid me."
but she needed to hunt now, and reluctantly turned back to her quarry.
move. lunge. race. strike.
blood splashed her chest. she dropped the furry bundle and panted in great gasps, chuckling at herself with a long, low whoop of success. "t'ank you, sogbo. an' t'ank you, thyme. moral support, eh?"
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RE: a little wrinkle in time, make you pull the iron out - by Chani - June 02, 2024, 07:11 PM