Boartusk Heights [b] te sueño despierta
La Muerte
A Handmaiden's Tale
34 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
Paloma did not need to scramble herself together the moment Reyna began her screaming. The maid had been preparing for this moment since the very first weeks of Paloma's pregnancy, once they were certain it would stick. 

A number of herbs were at the ready, in order which they should be taken during the process: to encourage labor, ease pain, slow bleeding... Meat that had been dried by laying in rocks in the sun was stored for when Reyna woke later with hunger. There was water in a scratched out chunk of wood. Reyna's collection of furs had been shaken out and laid. Even some of Paloma's own plush coat had been pulled out in chunks, to further make Reyna's nest more comfortable as well as ease some of Paloma's own nerves as rhe due date approached. 

Paloma would snap anyone right in the face who dared try to come in despite her Queen's command. She calls for @Flaithrí with a hope that he would stand outside in the role as guard. Reyna had seem to take to him, after all. 

Reyna would cry out again and again. Paloma would beckon her Mistress and beckon her further. One came, two came, three- another, another and another...! It was no wonder that Reyna nearly passed out from the exertion and Paloma took the opportunity to remove bloodied rags, shuffle the children to her mother's side and quietly accessed each of them. Only one could be heir. Only one may be chosen. Many lives which would be sacfriced in the name of La Muerte. 

Yet when Reyna rises and makes her decision, it is the two smallest which were obviously picked. Yet, four to be remained. Paloma takes a quiet breath, happy that Reyna decides against her former culture. Only those of obvious weakness would be culled this day. The kingdom was blessed with four, strong young. 

The little handmaiden takes the bundled skin quickly as she is directed and swiftly exits the densite. She would not allow her Mistress to suffer another instant at the sight of her ruined few progeny. 

She heads for the quickest method, a ledge along the mountains, making certain no one is in view. She settled the fur bundle, opening it which causes coos and then squeals from the children as cold air hits their squirming little bodies. Well, one squirming. The other, well, it didn't seem to move much at all. Maybe she could eat them? No sense wasting good meat to some lesser scavenger. She could, if anything, have a little piece of Reyna inside of her for a time. Yet, the decision had been made. The innocent, virgin blood would be made sacrifice. Goodbye, little ones. And with a flick of her white toes, and another, allowed the two rounded little bundles to roll right off the cliff. 

As quick as she left was as quick as she returned, settling herself down with a pleasant grin as her Mistress announced the new royal arrivals.
Messages In This Thread
[b] te sueño despierta - by Reyna - June 02, 2024, 08:20 AM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Valeria - June 02, 2024, 09:54 AM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Candela - June 02, 2024, 07:59 PM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Paloma - June 02, 2024, 08:53 PM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Nymphora - June 02, 2024, 09:40 PM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Vincent - June 03, 2024, 12:29 AM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Nivis - June 04, 2024, 10:10 PM
RE: [b] te sueño despierta - by Reyna - June 05, 2024, 01:25 PM