Bearclaw Valley 'Cause you might enjoy some madness for a while
Bearclaw Valley
2 Posts
Ooc — Mai
First, there was only darkness. Darkness and warmth. A void, a world all her own. The distant murmur of her dams own beating heart. Others, around her. This had been Athella's reality, up until today. She morphed and grew, nourished to slowly take on the lumpy mold of the wolf she would one day become. She was so unaware of the blood that flowed now in her veins; Bearclaw.

One day, she would know.

Her world shattered. A new light beckoned her with a pull she could not ignore. She fought and jostled, only to be left last to make her debut. No matter. She had bode her time this long. What was a little more? 

Her emergence was out of hibernation and into the cool air. Slick furred and wet, dappled with blood. She breathed in, taking her first breath. Strong lungs filled and she belted out a mighty squeak. Something solid lay beneath her. A new kind of warmth bathed her. A new force guided her close. 

She did not understand any of it. Her instincts were strong, and already she tried to shuffle forward. A gummed mouth, one day to be home to mini razors, latched forcibly onto the first teat she found. There, she distantly registered the wriggling bodies of her sisters. 

Grumbling with tiny paws pressed firmly at her mother's belly, she drank until milk seeped from the corners of her mouth, her little sides rounding. Even as she drifted off into a milk induced stupor, she held onto her claim.
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RE: 'Cause you might enjoy some madness for a while - by Athella - June 05, 2024, 09:28 PM