Profile of Ancelin: Quick Facts
Bearclaw Valley Rex *
Mate to Ameline
Played By: ebony
Basic Info
Full Name: Ancelin Bearclaw
Subspecies: mixed wolf subspecies + hint of coyote
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Age: 1 (6.14.22)
Birthplace: redtail rise (snowforest taiga)
NPC Guidelines
guarding, watching, a bit tense around creek wolves now
At a Glance
[Image: tumblr_naf5oiPm921tv8ooko1_500.gif]
Profile of Ancelin: Details
adult ref by chels
ancelin has six new cuts bitten over his right cheekbone

(due to the assumed abandonment of mother, brother, and father, coupled with the perceived rejection by his aunt, ancelin has developed an antisocial personality disorder that presents with extreme inability to regulate his anger or impulses.
update: per this thread, ancelin's face is a mass of healing cuts that scarred and it was a defining factor for the further development of said disorder)

— milestones —

june 24 - july 2: eyes open, ears open, light howling, baby talk
july 2 - july 25: first outings from den, babbling, howling, word acquisition
july 25 - dec 14: weaning, wandering, rendezvous, solo/pack hunts
dec 14 - june 14: can travel, integrating, still growing
june 14, 2023: yearling
june 14, 2024: fully mature

father: aventus
mother: arielle
sibling: atreus
mate: ameline
children: athella, adalynn, andrelia, & avalita
** amneris & athalia were adopted by ancelin & ameline in the fall of 2023 with no IC knowledge of their parentage or true relation to the bearclaw family

— extended —


grandfather: merrick
grandmother: astara
aunts/uncle: avicus, asperas, apophis
cousins (avicus): masquerade, relic, redd, redsky, mulherin, carrion, watcher
(apophis): athamas, ashkova, amneris, athalia


grandfather: akavir
grandmother: ibis
aunts/uncle: lilitu, diantha, jasmine, roswell
Pack History
REDTAIL RISE — bearn · bjern
Profile of Ancelin: Additional Information
Registered on March 21, 2022, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
neomaaa <333
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