Sun Mote Copse ditch your problems, better days are coming
12 Posts
Ooc — KT
All Welcome 
keeping things vague out of necessity; tags are an invitation but this is all welcome. as she is trespassing, open to interception & injury... gentle request to keep this to maybe three or four participants at most

It was a long journey from the Tangle to Sun Mote Copse; it felt like she had traveled the world by the time she arrived. She had found some stale scent trails nearby that smelled sort of like her parents, but she knew in her heart that she would have no doubt once she'd truly found home.

She felt that it was unlikely that her parents would be without a pack, especially this time of year, so instead of wandering aimlessly she started knocking on doors.

It just so happened that the first one she knocked on, she would catch their scent in the air. Her heart beat rapid-fire as she nosed the ground. @Meerkat and @Njord, nothing else mattered — all manners were abandoned as she barreled into the territory, howling joyously to announce her arrival.
Messages In This Thread
ditch your problems, better days are coming - by Mercy - June 18, 2024, 05:18 PM