Boartusk Heights ≡Bawitaba
La Muerte
95 Posts
Ooc — Impala
She is so nice! Soleon kept a pleasant smile against his face and his eyes happily drank in the words as she spoke them, "It's so nice to meet you," He rose from where he stood. She was quite the petite thing. He could see this before, but now--he was certain of it.

He grabbed the bit of fennel he had procured and moved to place it against a wall of rock. That would be a good place to store everything until it had all been collected and could be taken to storage whole.

Sage. He'd need to move on to locate it.

Paloma caught on to his little mention of Reyna and she seemed absolutely star-struck about it. Nivis and Paloma both seemed to gush about the queen. Soleon must've truly caught her on a bad day to have even a thought of that kind of light wavering. Though, she had ultimately taken him in and tasked him with an aspect of her well-being.

"Oh so you're royalty too? I can tell it--you're quite the looker," A compliment from Soleon was easy to come by and was usually stated matter-of-factly. He certainly didn't mean to be coming on to her.

He silently mouths the correction of his title that she provides him with. He would get it right next time. Surely...what did she say? Was she coming on to him? They had only just met! "I, uh, I don't think I'm into that...maybe...probably," Truthfully, Soleon didn't know what that meant. Didn't realize it wasn't innuendo at all--and just a fact.

"I'd quite like to see your garden. Know what's available? I do like people, and everyone here is so kind--How about if I take care of the patients, which includes you, if I need something then you take care of me?" He offers the warmest smile. An agreement. And then he begins to scan the area for a trail of sage.
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Messages In This Thread
≡Bawitaba - by Soleon - June 17, 2024, 09:17 PM
RE: ≡Bawitaba - by Paloma - June 17, 2024, 10:57 PM
RE: ≡Bawitaba - by Soleon - June 18, 2024, 10:34 PM
RE: ≡Bawitaba - by Paloma - June 20, 2024, 10:23 PM
RE: ≡Bawitaba - by Soleon - June 21, 2024, 12:27 PM