Northstar Vale 記憶
30 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!

Yuki's moment of self-pity was only interrupted by the sound of a voice calling out to her, causing the girl to jump and look over her shoulder. Owlish eyes of blue landed on a particularly shadow-coated frame -- who she immediately recognized as Ash. 

A sheepish smile, full of guilt and embarrasment, washed over her delicate features. Her ears fell back, too -- Yuki knew full and well the state of her condition, and how risky it was to wander out too much. Usually she'd do it under the guise that she'd been going for a small walk, only to venture much farther than that. Today was one of those days.

Though it looked like Ashkova was more focused on something else, and Yuki didn't know whether to consider herself lucky or in further interigation.....ah, had she been frowning?

Yet strangely,  she'd felt comfortable with it -- more importantly with Ash. He was someone she trusted out of the many wolves she'd met, considering they'd been traveling together for a while now. I.....I feel homesick. So she confided in him, not even bothering with the fake smile she used sometimes.

Her voice was soft, laced with a sense of longing. I know our treatment wasn't exactly fair, but my family? I miss them.
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
Messages In This Thread
記憶 - by Yukimi - June 28, 2024, 11:49 AM
RE: 記憶 - by Ashkova - June 28, 2024, 01:05 PM
RE: 記憶 - by Yukimi - June 28, 2024, 03:23 PM