Ocean's Breath Plateau Our own little universe
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
Quote:Yo! Good to see you again!!
She gladly followed her sisters out at her father’s call. She trotted up behind Rosa with a swish of her small tail as if saying hi.

They had gone on a small field trip to a tidal pool, she had gently bumped a turned over crab back on his right side, then turned to see something. A small turtle walking out toward the water slowly, she followed it sweetly, accompanying it until it completed its journey into the deep blue sapphire colored sea. Then, A grey and white feather laying on the ground catches her attention, she picks it up in her maw and takes it over to father, “Pa! Pa! Look what I found! Put it in my fur, please?” She wanted to wear it in her fur as a kind of earpiece, near her cheek fur. Her tail now continued to wag happily.

She looked to her mom in the distance with an affirming affectionate glance. She nodded.
Messages In This Thread
Our own little universe - by Sumac - June 28, 2024, 09:48 AM
RE: Our own little universe - by Ponderosa - June 28, 2024, 12:33 PM
RE: Our own little universe - by Silvertip - June 30, 2024, 11:57 PM