Qeya River moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you?
10 Posts
Ooc — Van
Ever spoiled, Bryony happily rode atop Ma's broad shoulders. She admired her view of their riverland kingdom and often cast pitying glances down at the less fortunate children who were forced to walk. Poor things!

Though she perceived this moment as favoritism, the reality was that the journey was made much faster this way. Without all the hold-ups she would've caused along the way by constantly falling behind, they made good time.

While the others rushed off, Bryony dismounted with an oof and held back to inspect the land first. It was a large area with great visibility, perfect for running and digging and sniffing and everything! Her tail whirred; she was excited but entirely unsure of what she should do first.

She watched her brother and the dark-faced Ksura racing about. That looked like fun! Still, her impulse was to seek reassurance first, so she looked to her Ma, unsure. Can I?
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RE: moon, tell me if i could send my heart up to you? - by Bryony - July 21, 2024, 12:35 AM