Lion Head Mesa sekheru tawy
101 Posts
Ooc — tazi
The sisters had never found common ground in puphood. Now, their differences became more and more apparent. Where Neith’s heart ached in silent reprieve in the absence of their parents, Satakh grew restless.

Perhaps it was in a bid of mutual distress the amiirad approached her shadowed sibling, the dark, angular face  which reminded her so much of Khaem—

Khaem, who had favored his antelope sister. Who had chosen her as his.

“I am ascending to pray. Would you accompany me, sister?” An offer unalloyed but which inevitably threads with envy.
Messages In This Thread
sekheru tawy - by Satakhetem - November 24, 2024, 12:29 AM
RE: sekheru tawy - by Neith - November 24, 2024, 12:55 PM