Redhawk Caldera I have a lot to say but i'll keep quiet cause i love you
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow knew her words were hurt him, and that was the whole reason she had not wished to tell him. Because she knew he would take it exactly as he was. She shook her head hard trying to stop the flow of tears, so she could choke out some words, anything, but it was like a constricting vice was there holding her voice hostage.

Blue sniffed, the tears still pouring down her eyes like rain. that is exactly why we didn't tell you Peregrine.She was calming down, but his next words caused her pause and she got angry again and shifted a growl rumbling in her normally kind voice and throat.

You think that will make it better Peregrine? You are going to just leave all of us all over again? Just like Atticus did? And Amelie and Hawkeye? You are going to use the excuse that you love us, so you're going to let us be? When in truth that would hurt worse than if you continued to talk to us and help to heal the bridges that you burned? Honestly Peregrine I don't know what to say, other than I think you and Junior are both acting silly. Oh I caused some problems so i'll just run away, that's foolish absolutely foolish. When you cause a problem even without meaning too you should try and fix it, not run away. She got quiet and shook her head I will leave for now Peregrine, but I'm not going to give up on you that easy even if I have to hoof my pregnant self here ever so often I will be back, and I will check on you and I will love you anyway.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.