Crete’s ears and head lowered in submission when the ebony woman took a step towards him, sea-green eyes watching her with guarded caution - mistrustful these days on sheer instinct; and perhaps it wasn’t going to help his case but there wasn’t much Crete could do about it. It was something - like his unusual mood swings that would simply have to work it’s way out of his system. Her whispered words caused the mute to pause, studying her with muted curiosity when she admitted to being mostly deaf. Of course almost a heartbeat later, Peregrine belted out about them being made for each other. Fierce, long look was given to Peregrine out of the corner of Crete’s eyes, 'Shut up'. Hawkeye, though, was quick to respond with a quip of her own, causing Crete’s body to shake with silent laughter, a tantalizingly smug smirk playing at the edges of his lips as he spared Peregrine another glimpse, in a 'I told you so' manner. Eyebrow rose just as quickly as they returned back to Crete’s anatomy once more, nearly eliciting a silent sigh from Crete who barely managed to bite it back. How, exactly, Crete absently wondered, could Peregrine talk about his (Crete’s) male genitalia when he had no idea. Not to mention, it was kind of uncomfortable for Crete who shifted his weight in a discreet manner that he hoped Peregrine didn’t pick up on.
He was not a huge fan of having his body discussed in excruciating detail when he was standing right there. Crete had always been awkward around girls that were not his siblings, because, well, it wasn’t as if he could hold conversations with them. Being mute made the dating scene painfully awkward and, what Crete felt as impossible.
Peregrine spoke to Hawkeye about leading the way, and Crete rose to his paws, shaking his coat free once, intentionally shouldering Peregrine, before he snorted, rolling his eyes once more, internally grateful to Hawkeye for not kicking them out on the spot. It took a special kind of creature to be tolerant of Peregrine if they did not grow up with him. Maybe Peregrine’s ideas of Hawkeye were nothing more than misconceptions - she didn’t seem so bad to Crete thus far.