Firestone Hot Springs Looking at the world through rose colored glasses
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't often that Blue left the confines and safety of her pack territory. But today she found the wind blowing was cold and cut her deeply. So with a small sigh she waddled herself towards the hot springs. She was quickly growing larger as time moved on and she found herself wishing and wanting so many things. She wished Osprey was here to talk with of girly things, and she wished Peregrine was there to laugh about her large belly and she wished for Atticus. Lasher was wonderful and he would be an amazing father and he was an amazing lover, but her heart just yearned for Atticus. She didn't think that it would ever fade that yearning and it cut. But she had memories she supposed and she had friends and soon enough she would have children to give the large amounts of love she had, without giving away the heart that she had already given away.

She only had mere weeks left before her time would be up and she would meet the beautiful children that were going to come. She was large enough and far enough now that others could feel and see the babes in the womb as they kicked and sprawled about. Lifting her gaze she slowly ambled to the fire springs. Finally stopping she laid down ungracefully and rather ungainly and very very unladylike. She lay there one paw dabbling in the slow warmth the rest of her body resting, her large sides protruding on either side as she lay and she looked up and blinked slowly with content.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.
Messages In This Thread
Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - by Blue Willow - December 16, 2014, 11:15 PM