Firestone Hot Springs Looking at the world through rose colored glasses
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay :D.

Blue did not hold it against Lasher to have a mind full of other matters. She was fine at the moment, and the loss of their youth was indeed a dire thing. Especially Junior who was not at all well in the head. The problems she could get into or do to herself, it was enough to take a few years off of Blues life.

Blue tilted her ear backwards and turned green gaze to the father of her children. She chuffed gently and when he nuzzled her cheek she leaned into it and returned the greeting. Hello Lasher! I was cold so I came to get warm. What are you up too? Any word of Junior or TY? She didn't think there would be, but she held hope that there would be someday.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking at the world through rose colored glasses - by Blue Willow - December 24, 2014, 10:40 AM