Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me?
Mama Bear
1,006 Posts
Ooc — Mar

The albino looked at the stranded member across from her. He reminded her a bit of a youngster, in a cute way. Plus he did said nice things about her eyes. The white female's tail wagged gently. I will take your word for it then, she returned with a polite nod. Scarlett chuckled. Well, your coat looks a bit burned in a cool way. So you can tell others you got hit by lightening and lived to tell the tale.

Scarlett was pleased when the young male looked happier than when she arrived. She sucked at being a warden but at least she had the talent of making a stranger smile. Oh yes, it makes you feel like you run super fast, the white female agreed. Scarlett also needed to agree on the fact that snow made things more challenging. While Scarlett's coat was white hunting was still difficult. Prey was scares in winter.

Are you sure you want to run here? The Glacier sides are even more slippery than the actual glacier, she worriedly returned. The albino was strong footed on the icy slopes but she wasn't sure if this male was. What if he got injured and it was all her fault? Her red eyes studied the male getting up and heading away from the glacier. Scarlett looked over her shoulder. She was really liking it at Duskfire. Okay, Okay, She barked before she chased after him.

Messages In This Thread
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - by Flash - December 13, 2014, 07:56 PM
RE: Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me? - by Scarlett - January 06, 2015, 04:56 AM