Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Elwood attempted to divide his attention evenly between Finley and Prima, but the former required more work from him. She was feisty and determined, and despite his best efforts, she still managed to retrieve a pelt while he wasn't looking. When he noticed her heading to her cache, he sprinted toward her, a wild grin on his face.

He was distracted only momentarily by Peregrine's bathroom issues on the sidelines, and unknowingly had the same thought as the tummy-troubled leader. Peregrine always makes a statement at these things, he reflected fleetingly, then focused again on Finley. He sat right on top of her cache, so that she couldn't place her prize inside -- though if she tried to knock him over, she probably wouldn't find it to be a very difficult task.
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RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT] - by Elwood - January 23, 2015, 11:31 AM