Barrow Fields but it turns out the way it does for everyone
◆If you want to, I can sHoW you, what my dReAMs are made of◆
47 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
Need any assistance?” The prince of deceit asked, purposefully pulling himself from the shadows of the barrows, having trailed her since her departure. He knew this to be the woman he sought- as she was the leader of their wounded band. Through the heart of the packlands he had come across a hospital for the broken and bruised. The severity of the wounds had ranged from moderate to miraculous, and he was impressed with their will to continue. But peons were used to that, were they not?

Whether he liked it or not, he would have to play nice in this battered band and groom himself up across the ladders and make nice. That meant seeking favor and being useful. So on he draped the appearance of a regular but charming ‘peon’.

He greeted the limping coy wolf, a regally dipped crown and a slightly cupped tail. While the chimera loathed such behavior from himself, Loki continued to remind himself how short this mess would last, should he prevail in his goal. 
                            BrEaK bReAk BrEaK my minD,             
                            breAk it tiLL my TaLe unWiNds,         
                            fOrcE my thoUghTs ThrOugh Hell aNd BacK,
                            oR leAVe Me heRE aLoNe to DiE. 
Messages In This Thread
but it turns out the way it does for everyone - by Caiaphas - December 31, 2018, 01:49 PM
RE: but it turns out the way it does for everyone - by Loki Kyber - December 31, 2018, 02:37 PM