Blackfeather Woods Did I Do Enough?
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
An upset Moonshadow feel free to hop in haha

She was home but an emptiness filled her heart. It didn't feel the same without everyone here. She thought back to Shadow Mountain and her battle against Nikan, she knew that one day either him or her former alpha would come after her. Moonshadow sighed as she looked up at the sky wondering if she was being watched over by whomever was up there. "Did I do enough?" She asked herself. "Could I have done more?" So many questions filled her head, so much doubt, so much pain inside both physical and emotional.
Eternal Black She Brings
565 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
The Night Queen made her way silently through their woods. A limp hare hung from her crimson stained muzzle, having spent its last moments in agony. But a wolf was hungry, so a wolf would eat. Nyx liked to think of herself bigger than her own body, like a force, something that didn't need a good night's sleep, water nor food. But every now and then her stomach would turn and blabber; complain that without something in it, she would most certainly not reach the enlightenment she so desired.

The woods were home to her. They were everything she had left besides her father, but they had never shared a particularly close bond. She respected him, looked up to him, but she couldn't say he felt like the being whom made her own existence possible. Neither did Nemesis. Sure, they had spawned her many moons ago, but Nyx was a child of the night and no one else.

The Night was watching the same sky her companion was. She sought guidance as well, but not the kind of answers the other did. She knew she was enough. She knew she was worthy. Why else would she still be walking this earth; still be looking at the sky they lived under? She blinked at her companion, the malice and hunger no more than a memory. She had changed. The other probably had too.
Nyx carries with her a raven named Tulugak - feel free to reference him (Bio for more info)
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow had no clue that another had joined her as she gazed at the beautiful night sky she found herself lucky enough to be under. The she-wolf had miraculously managed to escape death again and for that she was grateful. Though her gaze did fall upon the other female. Suddenly the other seemed strikingly familiar from the war. "Oh, I didn't know someone else was here. I don't believe we've officially met. I am Moonshadow."
Eternal Black She Brings
565 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
The hare was dropped into the bedding of the forest, its blood still covering her muzzle and now also the leafs they stood on. How could such a small being have so much blood, she wondered for just a moment, before she let the topic rest in her head. That was of no concern to her. I have never left. She answered with a slight smile, something that was rare for the usually cold woman.

I am Nyx. Her last name was not included, not wanting the other to think of her as higher just because she was the Dark Master's daughter. Her rank spoke enough. She was a long-lasting member of the pack and she was proud of it. You are up late. I usually never stumble upon others in the time I do my nightly routine.
Nyx carries with her a raven named Tulugak - feel free to reference him (Bio for more info)
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow returned her smile with one of her own as she listened to the She-wolfs name. "I couldn't sleep." How could she knowing that the pup was out there with who knows who. "Night time helps me think." She enjoyed being under the stars, it made her feel a sense of security when she found herself surrounded by the night skies embrace.
Eternal Black She Brings
565 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
She nodded, indicating that she understood. How the other was feeling was pretty well to read for her. something was on the other's mind, and she needed to know if she could do anything to make the other feel well enough so she could rest. What has you so worked up? She asked softly.
Nyx carries with her a raven named Tulugak - feel free to reference him (Bio for more info)
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow let out a small sign. "One of the young ones here, Maegi she was taken by the same pack that took me. I managed to fight off the male in order for her to escape but he injured her as well as me." she slowly reveals the events. "I just feel like I could of done more."
Eternal Black She Brings
565 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Her spine prickled with her guard hairs rising in anger and confusion. The Night was rarely taken aback by bad news, she knew how to keep calm in most situations, but she saw Maegi as one of her own children and to hear she was gone snapped something inside her. Why had no one told her this? Why hadn't Moonshadow made this public? Maegi is gone? Where have they taken her - tell me.
Nyx carries with her a raven named Tulugak - feel free to reference him (Bio for more info)
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow took a breath.  "She was last seen near Shadow Mountain.  I came back to make Love aware. I will be leaving as soon as my eyesight is back. " She will find her.  "I helped her escape from our captors. We were both injured,  once she was free she ran off. "