The captives scent was no longer intertwined with the rest of the pack and Serem saw no evidence of her near the dens. The scent in hers was stale and she sought out @Black Hat to figure out if he perhaps knew what happened to his little companion.
She left her den and did a quick patrol before setting out on her little personal mission.
She left her den and did a quick patrol before setting out on her little personal mission.
October 10, 2019, 12:01 PM
Black Hat, too, had taken notice of Radar's disappearance. He called for her a day ago and received no response. Well, he wasn't about to go searching for her — there were far more useful bodies around the Haunt, now. If Vengeance wanted to speak to him about it, fine, but he wasn't concerned.
So he instead laid in the wispy shadows of a willow tree, focused on gnawing away at some indistinct bone to strip away what little meat and sinew was left on it. Once finished with that, he got to work crushing it betwixt his carnassials to suck out the nutritious marrow. He'd experienced his fair share of hard times, but starvation was never included in that bundle until now, and it was all thanks to those blasted earthquakes. The pessimistic part of him wondered if he had the misfortune to be born at a time when life as they knew it would finally come to an end — the Apocalypse.
He wouldn't be fucking surprised.
So he instead laid in the wispy shadows of a willow tree, focused on gnawing away at some indistinct bone to strip away what little meat and sinew was left on it. Once finished with that, he got to work crushing it betwixt his carnassials to suck out the nutritious marrow. He'd experienced his fair share of hard times, but starvation was never included in that bundle until now, and it was all thanks to those blasted earthquakes. The pessimistic part of him wondered if he had the misfortune to be born at a time when life as they knew it would finally come to an end — the Apocalypse.
He wouldn't be fucking surprised.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 10, 2019, 02:36 PM
As she walked through the forest, the female came across the man she was looking for and by the looks of it he was scavenging whatever he could off of a bone. Serem found herself lucky that she could catch an occasional rabbit or bird but most days she'd find remainders of ones kill left out. It wasn't her ideal meal but it sufficed nonetheless. The female gave a low chuff announcing her presence to the man. "Hey."
October 11, 2019, 07:43 AM
A familiar voice called out to him nearby, and he glanced up from his fixation at her. Black Hat wasn't entirely sure how he felt about Serem anymore, but his overall demeanor was shifting from contempt and annoyance to neutral — and that meant something coming from him. So he returned her greeting, though much more formal.
He shook his head.
Good afternoon. Or is it still morning?He squinted at what dim light managed to filter through the trees and become dispersed in the dense fog. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact time of day in this place, which he wasn't fond of.
He shook his head.
Whatever. What is it?Seeing as she sought him out, he would bet Serem wanted something from him more than a mere conversation to pass the time. Not that he particularly minded; his voice held no malice.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 12, 2019, 09:19 AM
She seemed to get a neutral response from the male this time and was a bit relieved to say the least. When he stated his greeting she herself got confused. "You know I don't really know." It was very hard to tell time at least during the day. Night was fairly obvious due to the forest getting way darker than normal. "I was just coming to see if you had seen your companion at all. Her scent is almost completely gone from the territory." She got straight to the point.
October 12, 2019, 09:11 PM
Ah, so that was her concern.
He sat up, glancing back at Serem.
No, I haven't. She's probably fled,He lilted, idly eyeing the bone laid between his forelegs.
But she wasn't nearly as valuable as the wolves we have now. Even the whelps are more of a worthy investment than her.
He sat up, glancing back at Serem.
I've taken Hela on as an apprentice recently, and I see greatness in her. She hangs onto my every word and puts her all into training. Radar never would've done that; so I couldn't care less.Perhaps others would disagree, but he wasn't about to go chasing after her. She just wasn't worth it.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 13, 2019, 11:48 AM
So she was right; the female had most likely fled and used the hunt as a distraction to do so. Oh well she clearly wasn't fit to be here and good riddance. "Sounds as though it was for the best then." She said simply. "I'm glad you found a new and from what you've said a better apprentice. I've sparred with the young one a few times. She's a bit rusty but I feel with practice she can become stronger."
October 13, 2019, 03:45 PM
She agreed with him, as any smart wolf would. Black Hat nodded at her appraisal of his new apprentice, pleased to hear Hela had been sparring with her.
@Hela is young, but she learns quickly. She's a valuable asset. I'm not so sure about the other whelp; he acts like he's got bees in his skull instead of a brain,He disdained.
But that aside, is there anything else you wanted from me?
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 13, 2019, 04:21 PM
She gave a small smile to the man which was something she never thought that she'd do. He spoke of the girl and then the boy and she couldn't agree more. "He needs more patience, seems to me he does before he thinks." Which in some cases could be okay but could also get him in heaps of trouble. "I suppose I could ask for a rematch but more of a spar this time. Less neck wounds so to speak." She chuckled at the last part.
October 14, 2019, 06:51 AM
Precisely,He agreed. She requested a rematch, which he wasn't opposed to. May as well, he wasn't doing much at the moment. For a Nightwalker, Serem certainly didn't hold much of a grudge. He recalled doing quite a number on her, too. Well, he wouldn't complain about it.
Very well; I accept your challenge.
Rising to his feet, he backed up a few paces. But he would't sit and wait for her to make the next move. He took the initiative and sprung forwards, banking on catching her off-guard to secure a hold of her throat. No longer furious with the woman, if he grabbed hold, he would not aim to tear her apart like last time, but his grip would still be firm and difficult to shake.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 14, 2019, 08:15 PM
He seemed to agree to their rematch and she was caught in the moment when he sprang forward. Their was no warning at all and it seemed he was going for her neck once more. She felt his fangs attach to its mark and it wasn't hard as it was last time and she was grateful for that. The female would try and thrust her body weight into him; hoping it would make him let go or catch him off balance. If she succeeded, serem would go for his side in hopes of knocking the wind out of him.
October 15, 2019, 06:42 AM
Serem was a sizable woman, so when she shoved into him, he nearly lost his footing and had to release her. As soon as he did, she charged for him and went for his side. He swung his head around to try and intercept her with a bite to her muzzle. If able to grab on, he would keep this grip until persuaded to do otherwise.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 15, 2019, 10:44 AM
Her move worked and he released her but what she wasn't expecting was his jaws to go around her muzzle. Serem let a small whimper escape followed by a snarl she tried to wiggle from his grasp and since he was attacking where he had before she thought of doing the same and going for the shoulder though she was getting a bit tired. With the lack of prey it was hard to keep her energy up and it was starting to take a toll on her.
October 15, 2019, 12:35 PM
If he'd been holding on with all his might, Serem would only be damaging herself further. But seeing as this fight was but a spar, that was not the case. So she managed to wriggle out of his jaws and latch onto his shoulder. Black Hat rumbled lowly, hungry for a decisive position to give him the edge. He attempted to find purchase on her neck. If his teeth hit their mark, he would feel oddly nostalgic about their circumstance as they met the old scars he'd given her. Several moons ago, he never would've imagined living in the same pack as the once-believed mad woman, much less engaging in a faux fight with her.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 15, 2019, 12:45 PM
She manages to get her muzzle away from his jaws and Her teeth made their mark and the familiarity of this was a bit funny to the female however she kept it to herself for now and focused on him. He makes his mark as well on her neck once more even though she had tried to dodge this attack specifically and thankfully this wasn't an actual fight otherwise she'd be a bit mad. Serem could feel her energy spent and wondered if she could get out of his grip a possibly end this.
October 15, 2019, 01:23 PM
Here they sat, each with teeth sunken into the other and both unwilling to let go. Except this time, Black Hat didn't have the advantage — he hadn't brutally laid into her beforehand, and he was running out of steam fast. But then again, Serem, too, was low on fuel from the dispersal of prey from their home. That gave him an idea.
He relinquished his hold to rear up and shove his weight down onto her frame, all the while trying to get a mouthful of her scruff. She would need to let go and shift out of the way to avoid being crushed beneath him unless she had some other trick up her sleeve.
He relinquished his hold to rear up and shove his weight down onto her frame, all the while trying to get a mouthful of her scruff. She would need to let go and shift out of the way to avoid being crushed beneath him unless she had some other trick up her sleeve.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 15, 2019, 01:32 PM
He seemed to be low on fuel as well and she didn't blame him at all really. Once she felt him release her and she quickly let go of him and serem attempted to catch her breath in the brief moment in between that she had. It was short lived however as she felt his teeth grab hold of her scruff. She couldn't move out of the way fast enough and felt the weight of him on her.
October 15, 2019, 02:10 PM
Likely due to fatigue, Serem was unable to skirt out of the way in time, and he clenched her scruff between his jaws. Running on fumes, he would stubbornly stay right where he was until further notice. Gods was the lack of food starting to take its toll. Black Hat gave a few half-arsed tugs and that was it. He wanted this to be over already so he could rest his weary body.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 15, 2019, 02:15 PM
The dark woman couldn't help but giggle a bit at the position the two found themselves in and she couldn't help but feel hot and bothered by the dark thoughts that crept into her mind. His gigs at her scruff seemed to only fuel her desire but he seemed tired. "Tired already? Seems the fun is only starting." She stated simply hoping he'd catch on. Normally she would of been a bit playful and more obvious but there was only so much she could do in the position she was in.
October 15, 2019, 02:41 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Uh oh, it's surprise fuck time!
Serem giggled, rousing him from his stupor. He shot her a puzzled glance she couldn't see, mouth still full of flesh and fur. It was only after her comment he realized she was basically assuming the position with him nearly poised to take this scrap in a... different direction. Black Hat let go.
Oh my, I didn't think you could be so salacious, dear Serem,He purred, lids drooping as desire bloomed in his loins. In truth, it'd been months since he last saw action of this variety, and he missed it dearly. Black Hat was not one to pass up such an opportunity.
His fatigue inspired a slow pace as he slid behind her sturdy yet undeniably curvaceous form, hips pressed against hers. The proximity coaxed him to thrust slowly and deliberately. Teasingly, for he did not enter her just yet. His forelegs caressed down her flanks before they rested on her waist, and he nipped at her scruff now, combing through each clump of fur with experienced finesse.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 15, 2019, 02:51 PM
She'd caught his attention and it seemed he figured out what she wanted. "Is it that hard to believe?" She gave a small smirk. He was teasing her and she felt him against her which made a needy whisper escape from her muzzle. She didn't want to sound that way but it had been a while and her body knew what it wanted.
His nips at her scruff made her body relax just a bit and press onto him closing whatever space they had left.
His nips at her scruff made her body relax just a bit and press onto him closing whatever space they had left.
October 15, 2019, 03:22 PM
Yes,He answered honestly, but his voice still carried a jesting tone. Black Hat chuckled, nigh in disbelief that fate had turned out so. In the stillness, he heard the faint whisper of a moan pass her lips and reveled in the warm pressure her hips put on his growing erection.
You're quite the little slut,He commented with a smug grin.
I bet you like being demeaned, too.
Working himself up from the display of dominance spurred him to finally shove inside, having lost all semblance of patience after so long of involuntary abstinence. His gentle nips turned sharp when he hilted, and he groaned into Serem's neck. Feeling renewed from his arousal, he thrusted with vigor, holding her tight with his forelegs as he did.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
Normally she probably would of taken that as an insult if it was said any other way but today she enjoyed it and her paws shifted on the ground with impatience waiting and wanting for him to make his move already. It wasn't long before he became impatient himself and went all in.
Serem felt as though her body temperature go through the roof once he gave into the most primal desires and she felt the harsh nips that made her want more.
Serem felt as though her body temperature go through the roof once he gave into the most primal desires and she felt the harsh nips that made her want more.
October 15, 2019, 03:53 PM
It didn't take him long to finish, and Black Hat rode out his high with several shallow bucks. He kept the base of his length out of her by the end so that they wouldn't be stuck together but laid limply on her back anyway, effectively spent. Finally getting laid again made calling their little spar a tie worth it, in his mind.
Fuck, I needed that...He breathed, taking another moment to collect himself before finally lifting off of her. Lacking any sort of grace, he flopped onto his bed of moss, ready to sleep right then and there. Sex always helped him sleep... he wouldn't mind making this a regular thing for that alone.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
October 15, 2019, 03:59 PM
Despite just standing there and literally doing nothing. Serem was overly satisfied and tired as well, both from their spar and little detour. "Same here." The knot in her stomach gone and the overwhelming energy expelled as well, she took the opportunity to lay down as well for a much needed rest.
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